
Good morning sir. I just want to commend the alternative drugs you gave my husband for diabetes and others. I noticed that it is very good in sugar control. Although he takes the drugs once a day instead of twice a day as prescribed by you because of many others drugs. It is really takes care of diabetes of which I believe others will follow soon. Thanks


Good evening sir .
I want thank you for your suplements. Infact I can’t thank you enough.
I use to have chronic menstrual pain caused by endometriosis, ovarian cyst and fibroids. It usually comes with heavy bleeding too but as I type this to you, I only know I am on my period when I see stains unlike before that three days to my period, I’m already in severe pain. The only pain killer that use to relieve me was Penta, it was that bad but today, I don’t need even paracetamol again.
Thank you for all you do for humanity. I am a happy woman now


Good morning sir, the drug you gave me 10 days ago for the treatment of my daughter’s sickle cell disease has been helping us tremendously, the swollen stomach and leg has gone down, she can can sleep continuously for more than 5 hours without intermittently waking up to cry. Before now she can hardly sleep up to 1 hour with out waking to cry as a result of pains. Thank you so much for what the lord is using to do for humanity. May lord continue to guide and protect you sir


My wife had issues concerning leukemia and I contacted Dr. Ben Amodu, which he gave us his products to use. After usage for a period of time she is now better, well and full of strength.

While we were on the treatment we told him that she is going for chemotherapy, Dr. Amodu advised us to continue with it and that there will be no side effects on her and after treatment, truly no side effects on her as he has said. The doctors in the hospital congratulated her.

